Intersectionality and the Radical Left: The Hydra of Ideological Excess and its Venomous Tentacles

Hamoon Soleimani
7 min readApr 13, 2024


This insidious creed, which posits that all forms of oppression are inextricably intertwined, has become a Trojan horse for the radical left, its tentacles reaching into every crevice of our institutions, subverting the very foundations upon which our civilization rests. Intersectionality has emerged as a veritable juggernaut, a serpentine doctrine that has ensnared the hallowed halls of academia and seeped into the very fabric of our society in the contemporary milieu of ideological fervor.

At its core, intersectionality is a confluence of postmodern and critical theory dogmas, drawing upon the works of purveyors of the “linguistic turn” such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. It rejects the notion of objective truth, instead embracing a relativistic worldview in which language and discourse are mere tools of power, used to construct and perpetuate systems of oppression.

In this distorted paradigm, immutable characteristics such as race, gender, and sexual orientation are not simply facets of identity, but weapons to be wielded in a grand game of identity politics. The proponents of intersectionality pit groups against one another, pitting “the oppressed” against “the oppressors” in an endless cycle of grievance and resentment. Intersectionality is the latest theological obsession of the left, through which you are assigned your place in the ranks of the oppressed or the oppressors by monitoring your inheritance of racial and sexual identities. It is a doctrine that reduces individuals to mere pawns, denying the fundamental tenets of individual agency and personal responsibility.

Moreover, intersectionality has become a cudgel used by corporations and governments alike to virtue-signal their progressive bona fides. In the name of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” they have embraced a perverse form of discrimination, favoring certain groups over others based solely on their immutable characteristics, a practice that violates the very principles of equality and meritocracy upon which our society was built.

This ideology has also infected the realm of academia, creating a climate of intellectual terror where dissent is met with ostracism and condemnation. The hallowed halls of higher learning, once bastions of free thought and open discourse, have become battlegrounds for ideological conformity, where the pursuit of truth has been supplanted by the pursuit of power. Intersectionality is a source of resentment, making issues that could be solved much more technically, psychologically, and spiritually, into legal and political issues. It is a doctrine that breeds division and mistrust, eroding the very bonds that once united us as a society.

Furthermore, intersectionality has become a vehicle for the advancement of a radical and divisive agenda, one that seeks to dismantle the traditional values and institutions that have undergirded Western civilization for centuries. Under the guise of “social justice,” its proponents seek to replace these time-honored principles with a kaleidoscope of perverse ideologies that reject reason, objectivity, and universal truth. In this dystopian vision, the Enlightenment values that have propelled humanity forward are cast aside, replaced by a postmodern abyss of relativism and nihilism. Postmodern theory, intersectionality, and gender feminism are toxic anti-reason prostitute ideologies that have made a mockery of the founding liberal principles of Western democracies.

This insidious ideology has had a devastating impact on our society, sowing division and eroding the very foundations upon which our civilization rests. It has created a culture of victimhood, where individuals are encouraged to wallow in their perceived oppressions rather than strive for excellence and self-actualization. Alarmingly, intersectionality has also become inextricably linked with the cult of “wokeness,” a phenomenon that has permeated every aspect of our society, from corporations and media to education and entertainment. This pernicious movement, which claims to champion “social justice,” has become a force of intolerance and authoritarianism, silencing dissenting voices and stifling open discourse. The modern syntax of ‘social justice’ is a verbal facade behind which resentments fester and rivalries flourish. Indeed, the pursuit of “equity” and “inclusion” has become a smokescreen for the imposition of a neo-Marxist agenda, one that seeks to tear down the very foundations of our society and replace them with a totalitarian utopia.

Moreover, intersectionality has become a breeding ground for the proliferation of pseudo-scientific theories and ideologies, such as critical race theory and gender ideology. These pernicious doctrines, cloaked in the language of academia, reject objective truth and embrace a worldview in which reality itself is a social construct, subject to the whims of those in power. Critical race theory is a rebirthed form of racial bigotry, smuggled into institutions through the sophistry of academic jargon and the silencing of opposition. It is a doctrine that seeks to divide us along racial lines, perpetuating the very prejudices and injustices it claims to combat. Similarly, gender ideology, a by-product of intersectionality, has become a weapon in the war against reason and biological reality. Under the guise of “inclusivity,” its proponents seek to erase the very concept of gender itself, replacing it with a fluid and ever-shifting spectrum of identities that defy the fundamental truths of human biology. Transgender extremists are enforcing an ideology that is as oppressive as fundamentalist religion. This ideology, rooted in the postmodern rejection of objective truth, threatens to undermine the very foundations of scientific inquiry and rational discourse.

In the face of this onslaught, it is imperative that we resist the siren song of intersectionality and its various offshoots. We must reclaim our institutions as bastions of free thought and open debate, challenging the dogma of identity politics and exposing its corrosive effects on our society. As the great philosopher John Stuart Mill once wrote, “If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”

It is time to reclaim the Enlightenment values of reason, objectivity, and universal truth, for only then can we hope to build a better future for ourselves and for generations to come. We must stand firm in defense of the principles that have made our civilization great, resisting the siren call of ideological excess and embracing a worldview that celebrates individual liberty, personal responsibility, and the pursuit of truth. We are living through an age of intersectional identitarian authoritarianism, where freedom of thought and freedom of speech are being eroded in the name of ‘social justice. It is a clarion call to action, a rallying cry for all who value the ideals of liberty and reason. Let us not be complicit in the destruction of our civilization. Let us stand resolute against the insidious forces of intersectionality and its various offshoots, defenders of the Enlightenment values that have guided humanity through the ages. For only through reason, objectivity, and a commitment to universal truth can we hope to forge a better path forward, one that honors the dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of their immutable characteristics.

In the labyrinthine tapestry of human thought, the dogma of intersectionality has emerged as a hydra of ideological excess, its venomous tentacles weaving through academia and society alike. This pernicious creed, which posits that all forms of oppression are interconnected and mutually constitutive, has become a Trojan horse for the radical left, its insidious tendrils seeping into every crevice of our institutions. Intersectionality’s proponents cloak themselves in the mantle of victimhood, claiming to represent the voices of the marginalized. Yet, their rhetoric belies their true intentions — the subversion of Western civilization and the imposition of a totalitarian utopia. They seek to dismantle the very foundations of our society, replacing traditional values with a kaleidoscope of perverse ideologies. This dangerous doctrine reduces individuals to mere pawns in a grand game of identity politics, where immutable characteristics such as race, gender, and sexual orientation are used to divide and conquer. It pits brother against brother, sister against sister, creating an endless cycle of grievance and resentment.

The proponents of intersectionality, with their ivory tower theories and sanctimonious posturing, have created a climate of intellectual terror on our campuses. Dissent is met with ostracism and condemnation, as free inquiry is sacrificed at the altar of ideological conformity. They have hijacked the language of social justice, twisting it to serve their own nefarious ends. Terms like “equity” and “inclusion” have been weaponized to silence opposing viewpoints and suppress debate. Their influence has spread far beyond the hallowed halls of academia. Intersectionality has become a cudgel used by corporations and governments to virtue-signal their progressive bona fides. It has infected the media, entertainment, and even our workplaces, creating a suffocating atmosphere of political correctness. This insidious ideology has had a devastating impact on our society. It has sown division, undermined trust, and eroded the bonds that once united us. It has created a culture of victimhood, where individuals are encouraged to wallow in their perceived oppressions rather than strive for excellence.

The time has come to resist this intellectual poison. We must reclaim our universities as bastions of free thought and open debate. We must challenge the dogma of intersectionality and expose its corrosive effects on our society. As Edmund Burke famously said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Let us not be complicit in the destruction of our civilization. Let us stand up for truth, reason, and the principles that have made our society great. It is time to reclaim the Enlightenment values of reason, objectivity, and universal truth. Only then can we hope to build a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.



Hamoon Soleimani

Civil Engineering student, Interested in Linux, FOSS, Quant, ML. part-time writer.